Do's and Don'ts of attending your class reunion - by Victoria Flores.
With reunion season upon us it's time to get prepared for a fun time with old friends and classmates. Here are some do's and don'ts you must think about before you attend your next class reunion.
The DO'S
Do realize that upon entering the reunion, everyone is having the same thought you are: "How did everyone else get so old?"
Do upload all your reunion information on the alumni web site and email everyone your reunion information to get more alumni attending.
Do resume old friendships without blaming each other for not calling or writing. You'll be amazed at how quickly you'll feel comfortable with old friends.
Do find out which hotel everyone is staying at and join them. Even if you live in your class hometown, still get a hotel room where everyone is staying. This is a great way to have a blast after the reunion.
Do talk to people you didn't know very well in high school. You may find they're having an interesting life and end up with a new friend.
Do remember that you brought your spouse. Chances are they don't know anyone at the reunion so be polite and make sure to include them in activities and conversations.
Do take your camera and take pictures. Not everyone is able to attend the reunion. Those who missed out would love to see pictures from the reunion.
Do thank the class officers who organized the reunion events, and had to track down everyone!
Do realize that organizing a reunion is a big financial burden. Try and pay early and/or R.S.V.P. as early as possible to help out the class organizers. Most places need to be reserved and without payment from those attending, it can be really hard for a reunion to get organized.
Don't assume the Reunion Committee contacted everyone in the class. If you've kept in touch with classmates, take a few minutes to send their names and addresses to the Committee and thank them for taking care of the details.
Don't dress too young - With today's advances in skin and body treatments, it's not impossible to look really hot at your 50th high school reunion. But remember to dress age appropriately. You can still look great without going overboard.
Don't pretend to remember someone. It is completely okay to not remember people.
Don't be embarrassed by divorce. With the rate of divorce being an astounding 50%, many people won't even think twice about it.
Don't worry too much - Once you get there and start seeing old friends, catching up, sharing baby pics and swapping email addresses, you'll find that your preoccupation with looks will start to disappear.
Don't spend all your time catching up with those you've already known, reach out to those you haven't seen in years.
Don't take your entire library of family albums and vacation pictures spanning the past 20 years. But, DO take along a few pictures of your kids (and, of course, grand and great-grandkids, where appropriate). Old friends are really happy to see them. And, you'd like to see (a few) of their pictures.
Finally, Do go to your class reunion and have a great time!